Friday, July 26, 2013

Irritating fuck

Just fuck off. That's all I can say. I don't even wanna deal with your fucking rants and shit when I'm in like the worst mood for my entire life. Just leave me alone to what I wanna do and you can do whatever the fuck you like.

And stop jumping to conclusions when you don't know half the stress I'm going through. If that's all you can do, then just leave me alone. I don't require your care if you think scolding me and judging me is what you do best.

I have to be less angsty, because I really don't wanna come off as an asshole but you should really see what some people are making me go through. It really seems as if certain people have too much time on their hands and just want to pile up more shit into my life, adding on to my agony and misery. As if I haven't had enough of it.

And fuck this shit I'm having too much delusions, stop thinking about girls because nobody is going to fall for you. So just concentrate on your fucking A's and get the A's that you want, instead of wasting time on some girl that you'll  eventually come to dislike.

Debt drives my life, hate fuels my commitment and revenge keeps me going.